Many people do not think about their funeral or plan for the future, but did you know that you could pay for your funeral in advance, before the time of need arises?
For most people, the cost of the funeral won’t come as a surprise. Most people know the costs involved in coffins, services, catering etc. The problem is that many people have not prepared for it and so it has not been taken into account from the deceased’s estate.
A sudden death can compounded this, and a long illness often means that the person who died has dwindled their savings or may have had to pay for expensive treatment. This means that whether a sudden death or after a long illness, funds can be low at the time of need.
A funeral plan takes the financial worry out of an already difficult time. So now we know that preparing means that we don’t have the horrid financial shock, what can we actually do?
Funeral costs fall into two different categories: The parlour fees; and, the disbursements – third party fees we pay on your behalf. When you take out a funeral plan, your funeral parlour fees are fixed until the time of need. This effectively means that if you take out a funeral plan today and you don’t need it for another 50 years, your parlour fees will still be fixed at today’s price.